One maverick crew versus the galaxy’s deadliest criminal organization.
Spanning decades and light years, the epic struggle for dominion of the Cluster pits Mike Starrunner and his crew of Shifters against aliens, pirates … and their own kind.
Cauldron of Stars
An epic space opera adventure series from New York Times bestselling author Felix R. Savage. You have unlocked access to the SECRET bonus story, “The Hurtworlds Heist.”
A planet at war. A lost jackpot. Two guys with nothing to lose.
Seventeen years before the events of Lethal Cargo, Mike and Dolph paid an eventful visit to Mittel Trevoyvox, one of the infamous Hurtworlds. Their plan: make 200 KGCs for a quick, easy little trip into a war zone …
I recommend reading this story after Lethal Cargo and before Dirty Job, the second book of A Cauldron Of Stars. This is a SECRET bonus story because it really should not be read before Lethal Cargo. So if you haven’t read that book yet, one-click and strap in for a wild ride through the Cluster!
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